Teacher Learning
We build teachers’ capacity to implement inquiry-driven learning about water issues impacting their students’ lives.
Challenges we see
Providing students with inquiry-based, phenomenon driven water literacy instruction demands a lot of teachers, most of whom never received this kind of science education as students. For many, it represents an entirely new way of teaching.
Further, water issues like flooding, coastal land loss, and subsidence are inherently complex, prompting many students to wonder about the ethical, social, and cultural dimensions of those issues. This poses challenges to traditional models of science teaching.
Our approach
We provide teachers with wraparound support for making water literacy a part of everyday, ambitious science instruction, including:
Field-tested, NGSS-aligned curriculum
Curriculum-based professional development so that teachers can deeply and flexibly engage with scientific content
Successive opportunities to practice new inquiry-based teaching moves to help teachers build their pedagogical content skills
Dedicated support from skilled instructional coaches and a community of like-minded educators
Strategic partnerships with education researchers, artists, and other individuals outside of formal K-12 to explore new methods for engaging students in the ethical and sociopolitical dimensions of water issues impacting their lives
Our Teacher Learning Projects
Bringing elementary school teachers and students into the field
Standards-aligned water literacy courses for high school
Integrating art and science to understand rapid environmental change
Catalyzing standards-aligned science teaching through water literacy
Continue exploring our vision for water literacy education in the areas of curriculum design, field-based learning, and strategic partnerships.
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